help: (Default)
dreamish help! ([staff profile] help) wrote2024-02-15 05:19 pm

if you have any questions after following this guide, comment this post for help.

getting started - save at the bottom of each page!
go to account settings
go to the display tab
  • go to the entry style line and uncheck the box
  • go to the icons style line and uncheck the box
  • go to the entry view style line and choose "site skin" from the drop down
  • go to the icons view style line and choose "site skin" from the drop down
  • go to the journal view style line and choose "original style" from the drop down
  • scroll down to site scheme:
        • Tropospherical Red/the red one = the cute purple default theme with drop-down
        • Celerity/the yellow one = a sidebar layout identical to ij, the colors are purple/pink

go to the notifications tab
change the buttons to whatever you prefer (we highly recommend turning off when someone friends you!). the left side buttons send things to your dreamish inbox/pm system and the right side send those notifications from email.

go to the privacy tab
  • change the Default Entry Security to access list (this makes everything friends only automatically)
  • change the Enable Comments to registered users
  • change the IP Address Logging to nobody

go to edit your profile
  • change the birthday, location, and email drop down to nobody
  • put in a bio code if you want. find some templates here
  • uncheck Mutual Lists, circled by, and communities so that this is hidden on your profile

this link is where you can make customs for people.
they're called access filters instead of custom groups. on your layout you'll be able to see the "group" aka filter your post is set to. you can find it by going to organize > manage filters > manage your access filters in the drop down links.

editing your layout
to start editing your layout click here and choose "basic" by tess and then see [site community profile] layouts for a few pre-made layouts. "basic" is a plain, generator-ish layout. you can then put whatever html you want in the "top", which appears where the ij generator top box with your user pic usually was. this guide breaks down every section you can edit further.

custom userhead
if you comment here you can request one of the special userheads you see below. the userhead is what shows up next to your username pretty much everywhere on the site when you comment, post, etc.
   merry christmas
   happy halloween

special dreamish features vs ij
  • reply via email is a feature that allows you to reply from your email client the way you would an email. you click "reply" type whatever comment you want to post (this has to be above everything else in the email, the first thing you type!) and then hit send. it'll post the comment in the thread without opening up a new window.
  • comment editing is a feature that allows you to edit your comment so long as it has not been replied to yet. you click the pencil icon, edit your comment, and the other person is notified your comment is updated. this feature is great when you hit post a little too soon and have a typo, then you don't have to repost! it is also nice for when you post something in your journal you want to continue editing.
  • reply to screened comments without unscreening with your reply. the top comment remains screened and the comment you reply is screened as well, which is nice when talking via screened comments in a public post.
  • random icon picker can be done when posting or commenting. it randomly picks an icon for you vs you having to scroll through the list and picking.
  • custom group in entry is a small, but nice feature that shows on your post (to you only) which custom group a post is locked to. this makes it easier to keep private things private.
  • comment deleting is done without refreshing the page or going to a "this comment has been deleted" page. instead the comment ~disappears~ and you remain right where you are in the entry.
  • pms are enabled (you can opt out of them) but the updated inbox makes not missing comments a lot easier. you can also pm other user privately if you'd rather discuss ooc details there versus through a screened post!
  • detailed html in profiles allows you to use the style tag to decorate your bio, unlike ij which only allows for limited table html. font style, color, margin, etc all work in div tags.
  • journal bar is a feature you'll recognize from live journal where, at the top of the page, it shows what user you're logged in as, has different journal links, and you can log in/out.